All proceeds support the Fairhaven High School Cross Country program, West Island Improvement Association scholarship fund, and Strive and Achieve. Your donation will directly sustain and enhance the cross country program and fund opportunities for local youth to achieve successful careers.
If you would like to make a donation, please click the Donate Online button to be transferred directly to our secure Paypal site. Thank you in advance for your generous support!

Since the 1980's, the FHS cross country program has provided young athletes the opportunity to develop into well-rounded young adults. Besides the obvious health benefits of running, cross country instills confidence, teamwork, leadership, and a strong work ethic. We ask you to remember the programs that positively influenced your development and donate to this worthwhile program. Through your generous donation, this program will be able to continue and prosper.
Strive and Achieve was established in September 2014 to increase the awareness and opportunities for young Americans in the trade skills. We award scholarships to young men and women with that demonstrated interest. Building career ready skills while minimizing student loan debt is critical to the United States’ economic prosperity. Strive and Achieve is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization.
The purpose of the West Island Improvement Association (WIIA) is to promote the improvement and welfare of West Island; to maintain an organization for civic, educational, social, and recreational activities; to provide therefore a meeting place; and to assist in every way possible in the realization of these objectives. One of the more important activities of the WIIA is the granting of educational scholarship funds to member children and grandchildren. The Scholarship Fund is overseen by a Committee appointed by the President and is responsible for qualifying applicants and making recommendations to the Board of Directors for individual scholarship grants.